Monday, September 08, 2008

San Diego Weekend

Codys roommate Andrew works at Adventure Water Sports and he was nice enough to let us take out a jet ski!! It was a 3 seater and soooo fast, it went up to 50 mph!! Cody enjoyed making us fly off the back as often as possible, we only were able to dump him off once!!

Cody, Andrew, & Anya

Me before we took the jet ski out into the bay

Sea world is just on the other side of the bay, we went right by it while we were out on the jet ski!! Plus there were so many fish that kept jumping out of the water while we were riding by, made me wonder what else was under there....eek!!

Cody had to work Saturday so Anya and I dropped him off and then headed to La Jolla shores to be beach bums for the day!! This is the only picture I took while we were there...for some reason I was lazy that day...ha ha ha. But the little boy in the seat was soooo relaxed we just had to take a picture but I got my camera out to late to get the front view of him.

Codys apartment is right on campus at San Diego State and parking is at a premium there so we had to walk quite a ways to where we parked our car, not that we minded walking on such a beautiful day!! This is Cody in all his official Point Loma Naval Base Lifeguard official my sibs..

This weekend I celebrated my first Saturday off since my trip to Seattle by taking a little drive down south to visit my brother. Anya and I took off Friday night after work and drove to San Diego. Poor Loren had to work, so it was just the three of us for the weekend. Cody just moved into a new apartment with his best friend Andrew and they were the perfect hosts. Lol..its a little disconcerting to an older sister when your little brother is giving you a coaster for your drink so you don't damage the coffee table!! its good to know we've trained him well...we'll see how long it lasts!!

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