Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cold-blooded visitor...

We found this gopher snake slithering across the trail on our bike ride this week. Dad and Eddie decided he was the longest gopher snake they've ever seen and wanted to document their discovery. Dad wrapped him up in his shirt and brought him home. Our little neighbor kids thought he was pretty neat and his skin was very soft according to them. I have to admit these 5 year olds were braver than I was. I had no interest in touching him.
To add to the excitement...Loren wasn't home from work yet so Eddie put the snake in a garbage bag in his truck so that Loren could see him when he got home. Well, that wasn't the brightest idea we've ever had...

Searching for the snake...where or where could he be???

Eddie ended up driving home with the snake somewhere in his air conditioning vents and then leaving his doors open all night .....I'm so glad I didn't have to ride in that truck!!!

He was somewhere around 7 feet long by their guestimate

Taller than Eddie and Dad...


eandg said...

OK, I sent an email instead of a comment. I'm really good!
So, did Eddie ever FIND the snake?? The square head on that gopher makes it look VERY bad, like poisonous! I think I'll just stand WAY BACK HERE! Love Ya,
Mom & Dad H

Jeff, Renee, Carter and Camden said...

I'm not going to look at your page again till you update with something not so freaky!

Shanda and Loren said...

lol...sorry about the freakiness...he was harmless though...they do look like rattlesnakes but they aren't venomous at all. he didn't actually find it...he left his doors open and put flour out so he could see if it got out and he says it thats good news