Tuesday, January 16, 2007

News Flash!!!

The breaking news at the moment is the fire truck out in front of mom and dad hansens house. I came home tonight to flashing lights and about 6 firemen gathered around the mailbox out front. Not just any ol' mailbox, but a melted, smoking, charred mailbox!!!! What is this you ask..? If only we knew!!! However, the cause remains a mystery. The firemen asked if we had seen any suspicious looking, nefarious mailbox exploders lurking around today. Sadly (or possibly luckily) I didn't encounter any such characters (if I had I would have taken them out, and I do not mean out to dinner!!!) See what you miss when you're not here? that'll teach me to go to school, I could be out innocent mailboxes who were just minding their own business from the evil clutches of the unknown mailbox assassins. We'll be watching for them!!!


Jessica said...


Shanda and Loren said...

i know!!! crazy huh!! the firemen said someone stuffed some papers into the top slot and then lit them on fire!!!

Jeff, Renee, Carter and Camden said...

Boy, that neighborhood over there (all 2 blocks away) is really going down hill. I don't know if I want Carter over there tomorrow, seems to be a highly dangerous area full of mailbox assassins.

Paula Jo said...

Wow! Crazy stuff. Glad to see all else is ok :)

Marshall said...

We felt the heat from the explosion, and we were 7 miles away! These dangerous characters obviously meant business. I'd run far far away if I were you. Don't look back! (Note to self, don't buy a house in Henderson).